As a student, you can create a network with organisations in Aarhus with us
Did you know that 80% of all positions are filled through networking? So – how do you access these jobs?
At Studenterhus Aarhus, we host a variety of bridge building events to build and to strengthen the professional networks between students and organisations. Furthermore, we host jobcrawls, lectures, breakfast meetings and much much more. You can follow our events in the calendar, on Facebook or read more about our projects here.
If you are looking for a job, an internship or a graduate position, you can check out our Jobportal.
Your organisation’s entry to more than 50.000 students
At Studenterhus Aarhus, we are in touch with more than 50.000 students on all the higher educational institutions in Aarhus, and we know the different study programmes. You can use us as a sparring partner, knowledge center, and a recruiting station, when you want to collaborate with students. We’ll give you advise and help you with the process, whenever you need an intern, a student helper, or something else. We’ll gladly visit you, if you want to learn more about how your organisation can collaborate with students.
Contact: Head of partnerships, Tenna Schaldemose, e-mail:
Your organisation can become a business member af Studenterhus Aarhus, and get free recruiting all year round, special offers, bridge building events, and updates from the educational institutions in Aarhus. Learn more about becoming a business member here.