Business and career

At Studenterhus Aarhus, we work to ensure a smooth transition from education to the job market. Our approach is both knowledge-based and practice-oriented, providing valuable advice and insights to businesses on how to effectively lead and motivate young employees. We challenge stereotypes and highlight the unique strengths of young people. Our goal is to strengthen the relationship between students and companies by bridging the gap and equipping workplaces to remain attractive to the next generation of employees.

As a student, you can create a network with organisations in Aarhus with us

Did you know that 80% of all positions are filled through networking? So – how do you access these jobs?

At Studenterhus Aarhus, we host a variety of bridge building events to build and to strengthen the professional networks between students and organisations. Furthermore, we host jobcrawls, lectures, breakfast meetings and much much more. You can follow our events in the calendar, on Facebook or read more about our projects here.

If you are looking for a job, an internship or a graduate position, you can check out our Jobportal.


Your organisation’s entry to more than 50.000 students

At Studenterhus Aarhus, we are in touch with more than 50.000 students on all the higher educational institutions in Aarhus, and we know the different study programmes. You can use us as a sparring partner, knowledge center, and a recruiting station, when you want to collaborate with students. We’ll give you advise and help you with the process, whenever you need an intern, a student helper, or something else. We’ll gladly visit you, if you want to learn more about how your organisation can collaborate with students.

Contact: Head of partnerships, Tenna Schaldemose, e-mail: 

Your organisation can become a business member af Studenterhus Aarhus, and get free recruiting all year round, special offers, bridge building events, and updates from the educational institutions in Aarhus. Learn more about becoming a business member here.

Get your job posted

Do you need an intern, a student worker, students for a project, or do you have a vacant entry level position? Then you can use our expertise on students and study programmes, and our vast network on the higher educational institutions to reach the right students and graduates.

When you send us your job posting, we’ll read it through and provide competent feedback, so that every word and phrasing find it’s mark. When the posting is ready, we’ll distribute it in our network, and the students and graduates then apply directly with you.

A single job posting costs 725 DKK ex. VAT, and your organisation will then get posted on and in:

  • Studenterhus Aarhus job portal
  • Studenterhus Aarhus’ facebook page
  • Our newsletter, which is sent to more than 3000 students weekly
  • Student Organisations and networks at different study programmes

To enable us to share your post, please send:

  • A link to the post for example it’s posted on your website OR the post text in a Word-file.
  • A square-format image that supports the post – all data shows that images provide better exposure and greater visibility.
  • Application deadline, if you have one.
  • If you are not a business member of Studenterhus Aarhus, please also provide your billing information (CVR, company address, and the name and email of the person to be marked as ATT on the invoice).

Please send the above to:
Communications & Volunteer Coordinator, Sarah Houlberg Sørensen, at

Why you should become a Business Partner at Studenterhus Aarhus


At Studenterhus Aarhus, we help you strengthen your relationship with future employees – and give you skills to attract, understand, and lead the next generation. A key part of our efforts is ensuring a smooth transition from studies to the work life.


Would you like to learn more about:

  • The strengths of students and recent graduates and how they can contribute to your organization?
  • How to become attractive to future employees?
  • What motivates young people and what expectations they have of you as a leader?
  • What characterizes young people today, the factors that influence them, and how they perceive the world?


– then become a corporate partner at Studenterhus Aarhus, where you gain access to knowledge and guidance about students and recent graduates. As a corporate partner, you help create good workplaces and contribute to shaping the world’s best student city. We collaborate closely with all higher education institutions in Aarhus – providing you a unique gateway to Aarhus’ 50,000+ students.


Partnership Benefits:

Exclusive Knowledge First: To strengthen your position as an attractive workplace, we provide expert knowledge about students and recent graduates directly to your inbox, including key findings based on practice and the latest data.

Guidance on Students and Graduates: Get inspiration on how to recruit, lead, and attract young employees, as well as insights into their mindset and perspectives on work life.

Recruitment: Gain unlimited access to posting student jobs, internships, project collaborations, and jobs for recent graduates.

Networking Events: As a partner, you will receive priority invitations to our four annual networking events. Here, you will hear talks from students and graduates on current topics, followed by discussions and Q&A sessions. (The meetings are in Danish).

Student Advisory Board: Receive input and ideas for your specific challenges through a facilitated workshop with six to eight students from various fields of study.

Best Internship Organisation in Eastern Jutland: Be the first to know when nominations open for our annual award show, where your interns can nominate you for your efforts as an internship provider.

Graduate Program Tool: To help you onboard recent graduates into your company, we have developed an easy-to-use digital graduate program, exclusively available to our partners.

Branding: Increase your visibility on the Studenterhus Aarhus website and partnership wall and use our logo in your own channels.


The corporate partnership costs 6,000 DKK excl. VAT per year.

NB! Price for posting internship and student jobs for non-members: 725 DKK excl. VAT pr. post.


Become a Business Partner Today

Write us today, and we will get back to you as soon as possible so you can start utilizing all our offers!


Partnership Contact:

Tenna Duch Schaldemose, Head of Partnerships

Phone: +45 51235821