
We are a community of interdisciplinary bridge-builders, diverse and manifold. We have made it our business to strengthen and sustain the community among students, and we support students’ drive and entrepreneurship by creating a great variety of activities and projects in new, experimental, and inspiring ways. We are young, innovative, and unpolished, and we consider everyone equals – no matter who they are, and where they come from.

It’s no secret that it is difficult to explain what Studenterhus Aarhus is. It’s difficult because we are just what you make us. We are a student house, a community, a cultural center, a networking hub, a non-profit organization, a concert hall, a bar, a social space, a café, a meeting place for students and businesses, a running club, and much much more. No matter who you ask, you’ll get a different answer, and whatever the answer is, you will know that this is what is closest to their hearts. We are event planners, communicators, social entrepreneurs, networkers, bartenders, bookers, bridge-builders, idea generators, team players, and everything in between. We are driven by the joy our guests feel when they leave our concerts with hearts filled glee and wonder, and by the pride we feel when our knowledge, ideas, and inputs are put to good use, and transformed into action in the many organisations we partner with – public and private.

We are the only place in Aarhus where you can find everything under one roof. Our task is to build bridges between people, between student life, culture life, and business life. We bridge the gap between the myriad of private and public organisations who call Aarhus their home, and all the students that make Aarhus the best student city in the world. We work tirelessly to create a space where students and professionals can meet each other as equals, in new and experimental ways – free from prejudice and conventional thinking. We believe that value and trust is born from the fair and unbiased conversation between equals. This approach to the students is what make us unique, and trust is what defines us.

In Studenterhus Aarhus, we trust students. We trust that students’ skills and qualifications can solve the problems in both today’s world and in the world of tomorrow. We trust that students are capable of building their own relationships with the professional world that they will become a part of when time comes. And we trust that students’ drive and entrepreneurship can be nourished and developed with the proper guidance and counselling by skilled volunteers and employees, who, day by day, support the evolution which defines student life. When we develop our own – and students’ – professional and social skills, we establish fertile ground where sustainable student- and business life can grow, and where diversity and interdisciplinarity is paramount. And this is not only something we do: it is who we are.

We are a diverse community, with room for everyone. Our community consists of students from all over the world and is a social hub for students from all higher educational institutions in Aarhus. It is where you’ll find activities and opportunities for everyone, where ideas and inspiration are born, where the unknown, unspoiled, and unpolished intersect, and where networks are made across competences, organisations, and industries.

It is not only among the students that diversity is found. Our partners include both private enterprises and public organisations, giants, and start-ups from every industry. We are recognised and valued by students and businesses as an attractive business partner and a place open to development, creativity, and innovation. What our partners have in common is that they, like us, know that students are the future, and that the development of professional qualifications, talents, and a sustainable student life is a prerequisite for our development as a community, as a city, and as a country.


Maybe it’s difficult to explain exactly who and what Studenterhus Aarhus is. But it’s not difficult to understand that having a place where students can grow and flourish is necessary to prepare us for the future we all share. By being a part of Studenterhus Aarhus, students, businesses, and educational institutions are a part of a future, a community, and a network that reaches far into both work and student life in Aarhus.


Do you have a question or a great idea?

Call us at +45 86 18 30 21 or find one of our staff members below.
We can’t wait to hear from you!

Studenterhus Aarhus
Nordre Ringgade 3
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf.: 8618 3021
CVR: 27364039

Office hours:
Monday – Thursday: 10.00-16.00
Friday: 10.00-15.00

Student Life Goals 2025

Too many students feel that they do not suffice. They feel under pressure, which has a great impact on their lives and on their professional and social development. Achieving balance is essential for a sustainable student life, which is why we work to nuance and balance the widespread performance and perfectionist culture. We promote a safe and healthy transition to the labor market with a holistic view of every person, and we work towards human qualities being perceived on equal terms as professional qualities in organisations.

Diversity & Equality

Being included and feeling accepted in the community is important for a sustainable student life.At Studenterhus Aarhus we use diversity as a benchmark – in how we work and among our employees, our artists, our projects, and our partners.We provide space and time for personal development – ​​professional and social – and we push the boundaries of equality in internal and external agendas.


Volunteering and volunteer communities are developmental for a sustainable student life. This can help retain students in the local community during and after their studies, and it is a means of encouraging students to engage and participate actively in the society. For this reason, volunteering and volunteers must set the agenda at Studenterhus Aarhus. Being a volunteer must be meaningful, and help develop both social and professional skills. Therefore, we work to ease the transition between student life and working life by helping to implement and translate volunteers’ skills.


Relationships, communities, and networks are important, and they are crucial for being inspired and for expanding one’s horizons and one’s opportunities to develop. All this is also important for a sustainable student life. We facilitate and build equal and value-creating relations where we can inspire and learn from each other. We work toward a good entry to working life by building networks during the time of study, and we encourage and support openness and curiosity between students and businesses


Studenterhus Aarhus has three different types of members; students, educational institutions and businesses. All member groups are represented in the board, and all members have the right to speak and vote in the general assembly.


Studenterhus Aarhus has more than 3000 paying members. This makes us the biggest student organisation in Aarhus. A student membership of Studenterhus Aarhus costs DKK 99 per year, and gives you a lot of benefits, while at the same time helping our work for a more sustainable student life.


Business members

At Studenterhus Aarhus, we strengthen the bond between students and organisations in and around Aarhus. See our business members here.

Educational Institutions

Studenterhus Aarhus is a student house for all students of higher educations in Aarhus – that’s why all the higher educational institutions in Aarhus are members.